Ivy School

Rating 4 dari 29 Review

Kelompok Bermain
SurabayaJawa Timur


Ivy School terletak di Jl. Royal Residence No.111 B5, Babatan, Kec. Wiyung, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60227, Indonesia.

Ivy School ini merupakan Kelompok Bermain, yang berada di Surabaya - Provinsi Jawa Timur.

Kelompok Bermain ini memiliki Rating 4 dari total 29 orang yang mereview.

Jika ingin mendapatkan info lebih lanjut mengenai Ivy School, kamu bisa membuka salah satu link tautan berupa Website, Telpon atau Google Maps berikut di bawah ini:


: www.ivyschool.sch.id


: +62317385242


: Buka di Google Maps

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Jadwal Buka

Berikut merupakan Jadwal Buka dan Tutup di Ivy School berupa Hari dan Jam Buka/Tutup, sehingga jika kamu punya keperluan untuk mendatangi Ivy School untuk urusan apapun, kamu bisa mengacu pada jadwal berikut. Tapi, untuk benar-benar memastikannya, kamu dapat menghubungi terlebih dahulu pihak Ivy School melalui beberapa kontak yang kami telah berikan pada bagian Info di atas. Berikut Jadwalnya:

HariJam (status)


Ivy School mendapatkan Rating rata-rata sebesar 4 dari total 29 orang yang melakukan review. Berikut merupakan beberapa komentar dari para reviewer mengenai Ivy School:

review Dwi Adi
Security sekolahan suruh kerja ngatur mobil2 yg suka lawan arus dan parkir sembarangan. Waktu setelah jemput anak sekolah.
review Merlyn Fian
Sekolah yang bagus .. teacher nya ramah2
review desy suryani
Bolehkah melakukan penelitian pendidikan disini?
review Beltsa Erbandi
Ivy School is a very good quality school, using an american curriculum as its teaching method and using English as its language of communication. It has pre kindergarten, kindergarten, elementary and middle school classes. They keep a small amount of student in one classroom to keep a good quality of teaching. This is also a Christian school, and a morning prayer will be done before the pupils start to study. Though this school does not have any english native speaker as its teacher, all the teachers speak good english, even in delivering all the subjects. The classrooms, toilets and canteen are clean and tidy, and this school provides lunch for all its pupils. This school has 2 basketball courts, garden, pond, and a good playground for pre kindergarten, kindergarten and elementary students. This school is located in an elite, tidy, clean and comfortable neighborhood called Royal Residence, in Wiyung, west Surabaya.
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
review Dwi Kuncoro
Despite having no native English teacher, IVY School teachers are persistent learners by themselves. They spend three to four hours after school to enhance their capacity. The only thing that you aren't going to find at other schools is the relationship among all IVY family members.
review Cathy Lie
A school which feels like a home for my children. It's enjoyable for them to study here.
review margaretha sedani
IVY School Preschool - Kindergarten - Elementary -Middle School Using combination between US Curriculum and Indonesian National Curriculum
review Mukhamat Iqbal
Excellent school
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
Review Ivy School
review Fransisca Tondoprasetyo
Tanamkan kecintaan belajar seumur hidup

*Seluruh komentar dan review mengenai Ivy School, kami dapatkan dari data review di Google Maps. Sumber : LINK GOOGLE MAPS.

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